While the healed man clung to Peter and John, all the people rushed toward them at Solomon’s Porch, completely amazed.
Seeing this, Peter addressed the people: “You Israelites, why are you amazed at this? Why are you staring at us as if we made him walk by our own power or piety?....His name itself has made this man strong. That is, because of faith in Jesus’ name, God has strengthened this man whom you see and know. The faith that comes through Jesus gave him complete health right before your eyes. (Acts 3:11-12, 16, CEB)

Here are some things we can take away from this passage
1. Oftentimes people--whether innocently or purposely--will misdirectly cling to or rush, in amazement, to other people, ministries, churches, and so forth as if they're the source of whatever they received (v. 11)
2. Knowing this, we have a duty to graciously correct their misdirection (v. 12).
3. We also have to humbly remind ourselves that it is not by our words, our service, our concepts, nor the event that brings about the individual blessings (v. 12).
4. The name of Jesus going forth in the service and ministries is the source of whatever blessing someone receives (v. 16).
5. Our individual faith in Jesus is where we find strength to do whatever we do, especially when we get weary or it gets hard; and our individual and collective declaration of faith in Jesus will offer strength to others (v. 16).
Be encouraged, and continue to love and serve in excellence unto our Lord Jesus!
1. Oftentimes people--whether innocently or purposely--will misdirectly cling to or rush, in amazement, to other people, ministries, churches, and so forth as if they're the source of whatever they received (v. 11)
2. Knowing this, we have a duty to graciously correct their misdirection (v. 12).
3. We also have to humbly remind ourselves that it is not by our words, our service, our concepts, nor the event that brings about the individual blessings (v. 12).
4. The name of Jesus going forth in the service and ministries is the source of whatever blessing someone receives (v. 16).
5. Our individual faith in Jesus is where we find strength to do whatever we do, especially when we get weary or it gets hard; and our individual and collective declaration of faith in Jesus will offer strength to others (v. 16).
Be encouraged, and continue to love and serve in excellence unto our Lord Jesus!